Barack Obama is passing landmark, unprecedented legislation, becoming one of the most effective presidents in history. And absolutely no one seems to notice or care. His poll numbers are plummeting, and the conservative right is drowning out the president's message of hope with their usual chorus of threats and gloom. By the time real change—in the economy, in the war—kicks in, some other guy will be wearing the windbreaker on Air Force One. That Obama, from all available evidence, apparently can’t see that coming troubles me a great deal. The president needs to expand his message of hope with one of patience.
president of the United States is
a hard man to figure out. He has a laid-back style that evokes unfortunate comparisons to
Jimmy Carter. And, while no one wants to call Barack Obama
weak—at least not to his face—any direct correlation between
Obama and Carter is intended to do just that. In Washington,
bluster is valued over quiet maturity, action over
contemplation. Obama’s professorial demeanor inflames Republican
contempt, and the president’s Christ-like efforts to forge
bipartisan alliances seem to frustrate friend and foe alike.
It’s possible we haven’t had an adult in the Oval Office since
George Herbert Walker Bush or Jimmy Carter before him. Both were
one-term presidents, while the anachronistically gregarious
Ronald Reagan and fiery-tempered Bill Clinton wooed America for
two terms, as did the cartoonish underachiever George W. Bush.
Obama’s personal ambiguity—how he manages to avoid concise
analysis and, with the rare exception (“…the Cambridge police
acted stupidly…”), verbal gaffes—likely irritates most everyone.
At times, the guy doesn’t seem quite human. His occasional
displays of indignation seem forced and rehearsed, like there’s
a short circuit somewhere as the president just seems incapable
of taking offense. More often, the president seems aloof and out
of touch. He does not seem to get it that his Republican
adversaries don’t merely oppose him but actively hate him. They
also seem to hate America, as they seem both anxious and willing
to allow the American people to suffer and to go without just to
score cheap political points against the president.
As I’ve said many times, the Republicans understand the American
people are gullible and intellectually lazy. Sarah Palin’s very
existence as a national political figure is evidence of the
contempt with which the conservative right hold the American
people. If they could find someone stupider and even less
engaged with the issues than Palin, that’s who they’d run. Palin
makes all women seem stupid and ridiculous. Palin embraces that
stupidity and makes a virtue out of being unengaged. Stupid,
intellectually lazy white women, suffering oxygen depravation
from being trapped beneath the crystal dome of their Later Gator
and SpongeBob snow globes, embrace Palin as One Of Us because
Palin demands nothing of them. Palin all but openly mocks higher
education or intellectual discourse. Which, to these women,
makes Palin a knowable, “average” American.
Obama, on the other hand, comes across like an egghead. You’ve
got to take notes during his speeches and look things up. Obama
asks things of us. Asks us to sacrifice, to give. Asks us to be
patient. Asks us to care and to think beyond our own front
porch. Palin asks nothing of us but our vote and twenty bucks
for her latest book. She lets women know being out of shape,
lying around the house all day with oatmeal stains on your Mumu
is perfectly acceptable. That’s Real America.
On average, very few of us question things or have much in the
way of intellectual curiosity. What we do have is community,
which provides cultural accretions that tend to settle us into
predictable patterns of thinking. So, depending on your zip
code, you have rabid pro-Obama people and rabid anti-Obama
people, leaving the prize both ends of the political spectrum
are waging their war of propaganda for: the independents. Obama
wants you to get dressed. I’d imagine a great many Palin “mama
grizzlies” take great offense to Obama’s call to service because
it suggests there’s something wrong with the insular way they
live their chronic, over-scheduled tan minivan lives. This is
why these people hate the president. Hate his glamorous wife
who, two kids later, still looks great. A fair segment of Obama
haters hate him not for his race but for his energy. That he
gets up in the morning and brushes his teeth just pisses these
folk off. A semi-literate slacker like George Dubya or the
substantially less engaged Palin (she makes Bush seem like
Einstein) is a great comfort to people whose entire lives are
about their front lawn and soccer practice.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs experienced a
mini-meltdown last week, whining about how “The Professional
Left” —presumably liberal media—do not give the president credit
for his many monumental achievements in office. I doubt that is
true, but I can tell you the president’s agenda is hijacked with
such regularity that I have to question the administration’s
political chops. I mean, the president could discover life on
Mars and the news headlines would be dominated by a BP oil spill
or a devastating flood in Pakistan. This presidency has been
historic—first and foremost because of his race, then for an
untried, inexperienced young president being handed the worst
economy since the Great Depression. Then, you name it: gays in
the military, health care, two wars, meltdowns in the auto
industry with the potential to destroy hundreds of ancillary
industries and millions of jobs, record unemployment, and that
oil spill. Whether he succeeds or not, Barack Obama is having an
historic presidency, like none other in history. And he handles
it all in stride, with that thousand-watt smile. And that
irritates the hell out of some people.
Gibbs’ tirade about the lack of appreciation for the president’s
historic term earned both himself and the president derision,
but Gibbs was right. We understand, going in, the conservative
media will downplay every achievement of this president. But we
thought we could count on our friends. Is it possible the
country has become so used to historic legislation and
achievement on so unprecedented a scale—a Nobel prize, for
Pete’s sake—that we just yawn and channel surf? Is it possible
that we are living in a kind of amazing golden age, led by what
history will judge as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th
century—and we either don’t notice or take it for granted?
On July 21, 2010 President Obama signed H.R.4173, the Dodd-Frank
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The Wall Street
reform bill is considered to be the most significant and
sweeping financial system overhaul since the New Deal. The law
recognizes complex financial derivatives and makes rules to
protect consumers from unfair practices in loans and credit
cards by establishing a new consumer protection agency. At the
signing ceremony in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington
D.C. Obama proclaimed, "There will be no more taxpayer-funded
bailouts. Period." Obama also mentioned that "These reforms
represent the strongest consumer financial protections in
history." WIKIPEDIA
And nobody cares. As with most pieces of the president’s
astounding legislative agenda, the nation stifled a collective
yawn over a massive and historic piece of legislation that was,
at the end of the day, not sexy enough or, frankly, simple
enough for people to take much interest in. The nation is broke,
the nation is hurting. And, while H.R.4173 is meant to address
both of those problems and should go a long way to ensure future
generations do not suffer the kinds of financial exploitation we
have, the bill is, frankly, too complex to explain to an
impatient, intellectually lazy populace ensorcelled by the likes
of Sarah (“You Betcha”) Palin. We, the American people, are, in
all frankness, getting stupider as time goes by, a reality the
Republicans earnestly embrace while the Democrats continue to
appeal to our logic and intellect. Movies are dumber, TV is
dumber. Dramas with emotional depth are replaced by game shows
about opening suitcases and moronic, empty-headed twenty-somethings
living on the Jersey shore. It is an America elitists like Obama
either refuse to acknowledge or simply cannot plug into. The
Republicans, who, on many levels are far more elitist than
Obama, are far less scrupulous and even less hopeful than the
president. They know the American people are stupid. They are,
in fact, counting on it, on our intellectual laziness, to propel
them back into power. Because they know the average American
yawned at—assuming they had any reaction at all to—H.R.4173.
America is on pins and needles worried about Snookie or whatever
her name is. We are accustomed to conflict resolution within 42
minutes plus commercials. This economic recovery is taking way
too long. We’re still unemployed. We are broke and hurting.
America ignored H.R.4173 but paid apt attention to First Lady
Michelle Obama’s lavish trip to Spain, a trip for which the
American taxpayer paid nearly a million dollars for
transportation and security. Meanwhile, the president has been
held virtual hostage by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill while
Congress creeps along in gridlock. We are broke and we’re
hurting. And we are obsessed with Snookie.
Barack Obama is passing landmark, unprecedented legislation,
becoming one of the most effective presidents in history. He
likely staved off a second Great Depression, saved millions of
homes through the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, banned
torture by military and intelligence agencies, ended Don't Ask,
Don't Tell, set a firm timetable for ending the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan, passed historic healthcare and hate crime
legislation, reduced U.S. and Soviet nuclear arsenals by 50%,
helped save the U.S. auto industry and the millions—with an
“M”—of jobs that would have evaporated with it, and, oh yes,
passed historic, sweeping Wall Street reform. By any reasonable
objective standard, and whether you agree with his policies or
not, Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most outstanding public
servants in the history of this nation. And absolutely no one
seems to notice or care.
Arizona Congressional hopeful Ben Quayle, son of former Vice
President and political punchline Dan Quayle, is currently
running an ad calling Barack Obama the worst president in U.S.
history, a title a plurality of noted historians have bestowed
upon George W. Bush. Quayle’s over-the-top hyperbole nonetheless
resonates with a majority of registered voters who have the
president’s approval rating sinking to 45% (Gallup Aug 2-8,
2010). The fact that, despite his repeated and naďve overtures
to them, President Obama irritates the conservative right is no
surprise. The larger problem is that, by moving away from the
promise of his resounding and historic presidential win, Obama
is irritating his friends as well. Nobody elected the president
to go be The Great Bipartisan Hope. We elected him to change the
way Washington does business. He is, however, faced with an
opposition so polarized they’d rather the nation went to hell in
a hand basket if only to make the president look bad. These are
evil men and women who prolong or even cause suffering for
political gain. Whose main strategy is merely to obstruct
everything the president does and grind all governance to a halt
so that they may then point fingers at the president and blame
him for having accomplished nothing.
Their biggest weapon is the damning unemployment rate, stuck for
fifteen months hovering just below 10%. The number is, for most
of us, specious as the black unemployment rate is much closer to
17%, and there are millions more who are under-employed
(estimated this weekend at 14%) or who have given up looking for
work and are thus not counted. The economic recovery is slowing
and businesses are panicking and thus holding off on hiring, and
despite his cheery optimism, the president cannot get the needle
to budge on unemployment. Meanwhile his wife blows as much as a
half million dollars of their money and at least a quarter
million of ours on a vacation trip to Spain, tarnishing both
hers and the president’s to-date unassailably rosy image. It was
a political blunder of irreducible proportions, the timing of
the lavish trip, when a much less costly getaway to the Gulf
Coast would have been much smarter in terms of the president’s
political agenda.
There are times when Obama just seems politically tone deaf.
This suggests he is either surrounded by political incompetents
(which I do not believe), or the advice is not getting through.
And/or that wife Michelle suffers from the common diva disease
afflicting many of our sisters—she wants what she wants and she
wants it now and that’s all there is to it. I wouldn’t be happy
about the family’s personal time being held hostage to the
president’s political career, but the Spain thing was just dumb.
It hurt him, a body blow to the president’s image. And it will
cost him and the Democrats dearly when the bell rings in
September for the midterm Congressional election campaigns.
Michelle’s indulgence likely cost several Democrats their House
seats as voters, angered by her excesses, take it out on the
nearest Democrat.
The president is hemorrhaging white male voters by the bucket
load. Despite his bluster, Obama came across as impotent during
the Deepwater Horizon oil crisis, which cost the president
months of political traction while he was held hostage to greedy
Brits who played games with the spill in order to shore up what
will certainly be a major legal battle over fines and damages.
And, while this president’s legacy will likely mark his as one
of the most productive and historic presidencies in history—Ben
Quayle notwithstanding—most of the president’s victories have
been hollowed out along the way by his middling and dealing away
the office furniture in misguided attempts to gain even a single
Republican vote for his initiatives.
Obama had to know, from the jump, that he’d be going it alone.
That he’d be on his own politically while his foes lined up to
rally hate to oppose him and his friends dove for cover as
Obama, like Clinton before him, pushed forward with an overly
ambitious early-term agenda. Yes, the president passed historic
healthcare legislation, but that legislation was stripped of its
most fundamental promise and loaded down with Republican
compromise. And they still didn’t vote for it. The Democrats
seem equally as incompetent, many if not most of them now
running away from Obama as they seek reelection. They’re playing
a defensive game with the Republicans, buying into the
Republican premise that Obama has wrecked the economy and mired
us in an unwinnable war in Afghanistan, presuppositions that
come close to the textbook definition of chutzpah. It was
President Bush who wrecked the economy and President Bush who
mired us in an unwinnable war in Afghanistan. Democratic Party
Chairman Tim Kaine quotes a recent New York Times poll on Face
The Nation Sunday examining the historic and unprecedented
federal deficit. The Times poll determined 55% of that deficit
was caused by Bush Administration policies, 30% by the failing
economy and only 10% caused by decisions made by the Obama
The people turning away from the president and the Democrats are
the most sought-after and valued voters: independents. Male
white professionals without party affiliation, guys who have not
drunk the Kool-Aid for Fox News or MSNBC. The president’s
dithering is losing them in droves. What we are seeing is an
intelligent and thoughtfully bipartisan approach to governing.
What we want to see is some guts. The Republicans dragged their
feet, running out the clock while the White House bowed and
scraped and sent candy hearts and flowers. They knew the
Democratic 60-vote “Super Majority” —which allowed the Dems to
shut down Senate filibusters and, thus, do pretty much whatever
they wanted—had a short life span. The president should have
known that, too. He could have and should have shoved
legislation through by the boatload. Instead, he compromised and
delayed and met with this committee and that one and watered
down and stripped every bill of all meaningful, positive
change—all in an effort to win even a single Republican vote.
And the Republicans stiffed him anyway. And then the Dems lost
the 60-vote majority and the Senate Republicans began
filibustering every single solitary piece of legislation the
president sent them.
As intelligent as Barack Obama is, I can’t help but wonder how
any of that could be. How could he have squandered that
all-important first year, putting bipartisanship over governing.
How could he allow the first lady to take that disastrous,
lunkheaded million dollar trip to Spain while almost a quarter
of the nation is either unemployed or under-employed? And how
stupid are the Congressional Democrats, moving away from a man
who has, literally, saved this nation from ruin and whose
policies are, slowly but surely, repairing the damage of eight
years of Republican governance?
It is possible the president is either out of touch, stuck
inside the West Wing bubble, naďve, or unengaged with the
political realities of his office. It is also possible Black
America is cutting the president slack just because of his race.
I mean, were Obama white, he’d likely be castigated every week
for the sheer density of his political lunkheadedness.
This weekend, the president seems to be making an effort at
damage control, taking yet another brief vacation to Florida’s
Panama City in the Gulf of Mexico and going for a swim with his
daughter (See? No oil spill here!). But it doesn’t pass the
sniff test. It is too little too late. The first lady’s Spain
trip felt, to many of the president’s most steadfast supporters,
like a slap. Many of us are struggling financially, emotionally,
and with health issues. The country is broke. And she spends a
million bucks on a vacation.
The president spoke out in defense of a Muslim community group
who plan to build a mosque a few blocks from Ground Zero. The
ridiculous uproar over the planned mosque site is precisely the
kind of anti-intellectual and anti-ethical, brainless,
valueless, unfounded paranoia that Obama’s opponents thrive on.
Banning, somehow, a house of worship form being built near the
site of a terrorist attack violates the every freedom the
victims of that attack died for and renders those deaths
meaningless. Not only should the Mosque be built, America—white,
black, Christian, Muslim, Jew—should rally behind it as a symbol
of America’s resiliency and an example of our core values. The
Muslim world, seeing the hatred and fear directed at a community
group who have done no one any harm, will find their
anti-American convictions confirmed and underscored by the
hateful deceit of America talking out of both sides of its
mouth, preaching freedom for everyone except Muslims.
The problem, of course, is, even in his defense of American
principles, the president flinched, hedging his bets with a
mealy-mouthed and poorly thought out after-statement questioning
the wisdom of building the mosque there. And this is precisely
why this president is in so much trouble: his unwillingness to
pick a lane and drive in it. We elected him to get things done,
not to go make friends. Barack Obama has enough friends.
The Republicans obstructed every shred of change this president
has attempted to make, and now regularly harangue him for the
lack of change. Is Obama so simple he cannot read that play? It
is difficult to parse the political strategy, assuming there is
one. This president has passed monumental and historic
legislation, precious little of which is putting food on
American tables or putting people back to work. So, for now, at
least, he reaps virtually no political benefit from his historic
wins. And, by the time that real change—in the economy, in the
war—kicks in, some other guy will be wearing the windbreaker no
Air Force One. That Obama, from all available evidence,
apparently can’t see that coming troubles me a great deal.
There is not a day that goes by that I do not pray for our
president. Truthfully, I used to pray for President Bush as
well, but that prayer was more like, “God, please don’t let this
guy blow up the planet.” For Barack Hussein Obama I have great
admiration. I envy his humanity, the very disconnect from
political fatalism and cynicism I criticize him for here. The
second or third or tenth black U.S. president won’t have the
same quality of trials the first has. Our president knows full
well the sheer level of enmity he inspires by just getting out
of bed in the morning. I can’t turn on the news without having
the smallest apprehension, afraid something unfortunate may have
happened. That the disease of hate so embedded in the nation’s
DNA might lash out at what appears to be the most intelligent
and honorable man to hold our nation’s highest office in a very
long time. None of which makes him perfect—that he certainly is
not. But the nation is surely blessed to have him. The politics
of evil men and women conspire to drag the president down to the
level of the ordinary—just another guy in the Oval Office.
Whatever your opinion of this president, the notion of his being
just another guy is ludicrous. It is you lying to yourself and,
perhaps, watching way too much Fox News. Evil men and women lie,
deceive and manipulate us out of pure self-interest into
ignoring the thing we can see with our own eyes and hear with
our own ears, this extraordinary season of U.S. leadership. I
find it terribly sad so many whites oppose him simply because
he’s black. If this man were white, he’d be a rock star, the
Second Coming of liberal politics. I find it terribly sad that
most blacks support Obama simply because he’s black. We should
support him because he is extraordinary. Because of who we—all
of us, all ethnicities—could be because of him.
Christopher J. Priest
15 August 2010