We are looking for a good sister.
We are looking for a righteous sister.
A real righteous sister.
Not one of those teary-eyed girls watching General Hospital who thinks
the only love worth striving for occurs at first sight and will be
breathless with passion by the second commercial.
We are looking for a sister who will take time to know a man, and to
understand him, and to make intelligent choices about the future they
can have together.
We are looking for a real righteous sister who embraces passion and
We are looking for a righteous sister who knows how to give
unconditional love — not just demand it.
We are looking for a righteous sister who will communicate without
screaming or accusing, who will listen without trying to think of snappy
replies, and who will not perpetuate female stereotypes by using
hormonal imbalances as an excuse to act ugly.
We are looking for a real righteous sister. |
An all-grown-up,
ain't scared of commitment, ain't scared of honesty, and knows it's time
to save the race righteous sister.
A good mother, good wife, good lover, good worker, strong supporter,
intelligent, innovative righteous sister.
A righteous sister who realizes Nintendo is not a mother, BET is not a
wife, and Fabio is not her husband.
An accept equal responsibility for the relationship righteous
sister...an ask how a brother's day was righteous sister.
A generate some sympathy for a brother when he's down righteous
sister...a righteous sister who knows how to tell a good joke, and how
to take one.
A righteous sister who is confident enough about her looks that she
doesn't have to be two hours late for every appointment because she was
primping in the mirror. |
A righteous sister
who realizes that if she's beautiful inside, tidy outside, and healthy,
then $400 worth of makeup, jewels, and designer fashions are just
covering up her real loveliness.
A righteous sister who doesn't compare every brother she's never met to
that last immature fool on Oprah.
A righteous sister who is an example to all around her of what a black
woman should be in times like these.
A righteous sister whose soul is pure, mind is keen, heart is warm, and
body is reserved for the one and only person she will spend her entire
life with.
A righteous sister looking for a man of comparable qualities.
A righteous sister who will encourage such a man's interest in her,
instead of cast him aside for the nearest crotch-grabbing, illiterate
convict who just happens to have a Corvette, a credit card, and a Billy
Dee Williams smile.
A read a book and sing a tune righteous sister...a righteous sister who
loves black men and protects black children.
A righteous sister who doesn't dog her man — especially in public.
A turn Melrose off, put down Denzel's latest Ebony cover, put away the
shallow, sugary Harlequin romances, and let's talk instead and build
some tender, realistic love that will stand the test of time righteous
A tell your man — instead of just your homegirls — when you're hurting
righteous sister.
An “I realize you aren't a mind reader, so I'll tell you what I want”
righteous sister.
A sister who is open.
A sister who can move toward her goals and toward her man's and toward
A sister who is not intimidated or confused when a man opens a door for
her, or pulls out a chair for her, or shows her old-fashioned respect.
We are looking for a righteous sister. We used to call her “a good
A sister who loves her people.
A sister who doesn't take advantage of a gentleman by hitting or
slapping him when she knows he wouldn't dream of retaliating.
A sister who doesn't make wild, abusive comments when she knows how
hurtful they are.
A sister who knows that time and tenderness with her man are more
important than the latest gossip on the phone.
A sister who says: “I made him feel good. I showed him how much I love
and cherish him.” |
A sister who is caring and sweet.
A sister who realizes that gentleness and femininity didn't have to die
with women's liberation, no more than chivalry had to die with Sir
A sister who says: “I made him feel so accepted and happy and free that
he fell asleep in my arms and his heartbeat sounded like the ocean after
a storm ...”
We are looking for a real good sister.
We are looking for a sister who will turn the ships around.
A sister who will go into the schoolhouse, the church, the home, and the
social centers, and turn the ships around.
A sister who will go to the places where it is open season on our
children and turn the ships around.
A sister who will hear the whimper of babies born with AIDS or addicted
to crack and turn the ships around.
A sister who will see the people sleeping on the street and turn the
ships around.
A sister who will support the marches in the street, and the protests at
city hall and the school board, and who will turn the ships around.
A sister who will remember how freedom feels and turn the ships around.
A sister who will gather with the warriors and march — if only to cheer
the warriors on — down to the edge of the sea and turn the ships around.
Turn the ships around.
Turn the ships around.
And this time, turn the ships around...