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Recent Essays
Weed The People: Christians & Dope
Mafioso: What Church Folk Could Learn From The Mob
American Intellectualism In Freefall
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PraiseNet Essentials: 2013 Retrospective
Trust, loyalty, honor, support, faithfulness, absolute confidentiality:
all core values of both the Christian faith and the
Mob. How many of those ideals do we actually
practice? Somewhere along the line we have lost our way. In that respect, we
could learn a lot from the Mob--at least the way the
Mob is supposed to work.
As President Barack Obama completes the first year of his second term, here is a collection of essays about this historic and turbulent presidency, and this president’s constant uphill battle against irrational conservatism and racial hatred, from Election Day 2008 to the present.
No. 416 January 2014
It’s important to point out I’m not talking about
dumb people or even uneducated people.
Making a
conscious choice to not better ourselves, to not be
better informed or more rational, makes a virtue of
intellectual laziness. I blame most of this on Bart
Simpson, who made under-achievement a kind of ersatz
virtue. We are no longer stigmatized for being
stupid which is, in and of itself, stupid.
American Intellectualism In Freefall

Stupid People
Making a conscious choice to not better ourselves makes a virtue of intellectual laziness. I blame most of this on Bart Simpson.
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That a glitchy site could tarnish an entire year of a U.S. presidency speaks to how endemically fragile, and thus endemically flawed, Obama’s presidency is.
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Obama Year Five
Video: The Newsroom

The Blood of Jesus On Trial
If you find yourself judging others, keep in mind that you are putting the blood of Jesus on trial.
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The Blood of Jesus On Trial